User API

The user API provides information about the currently authenticated user.

The endpoint is /user/whoami which will return a JSON object on a GET request. The JSON object tells the client which PASS object represents the authenticated user.

Example result:

  "id": "1234",
  "type": "user",
  "uri": "http://localhost:8080/data/user/1234"

The parameter userToken can be used to provide a user token. The user token must be associated with a submission and an email address. A user token is an encrypted tuple consisting of a PASS resource URI and a reference URI. A request with a user token will return as normal, but have the side effect of setting the submitter of the submission to the current user. In order for that to happen the submitterEmail address field on the submission must match the email address of the token.

Then environment variable PASS_CORE_USERTOKEN_KEY provides the key used to encrypt and decrypt user tokens. If it is not provided or empty, user token support is disabled. To generate a key run the class, org.eclipse.pass.usertoken.KeyGenerator. One way to do that is from pass-core-usertoken to do mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="org.eclipse.pass.usertoken.KeyGenerator".

The purpose of user tokens is to handle the case of a request for a user who has not logged into PASS and so does not have a User object to handle a submission. This is part of the proxy functionality.

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