Testing InvenioRDM

An InvenioRDM instance that can be run locally for testing pass-docker. Note: This is intended for testing a local instance of pass-docker and is not meant for Production use.

The pass-docker-invenio-rdm directory was created following these instructions: InvenioRDM Installation

Technologies Utilized

Running the InvenioRDM Instance

Run the following commands in order to start the InvenioRDM instance:


The above commands starts by building the application docker image, once the docker image has been built the commands will start the application and its related services (database, Elasticsearch, Redis and RabbitMQ). The build and boot process will take time to complete. The first time the commands run the docker images will need to be downloaded, the inital downloading of docker images will result in the commands taking longer to complete.

Accessing the InvenioRDM Instance

  • Visit in your browser

  • Login using the credentials for the admin user in invenio-rdm/pass-docker-invenio-rdm/app_data/users.yaml

  • Click on the user menu button located in the top right corner

  • Click on Applications

  • Click New token in the Personal access tokens

  • Enter a Name and click Create

  • Copy the Access token that was created

  • Paste the token value in the pass-docker/invenio-rdm/pass-docker-invenio-rdm/.eclipse-pass.invenio.local_env as the value for the INVENIORDM_API_TOKEN property

Note: The server is using a self-signed SSL certificate, so your browser will issue a warning that you will have to by-pass.

Stopping the InvenioRDM Instance

To stop the InvenioRDM instance, run the following commands:


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