
Table of Contents


The Public Access Submission System (PASS) is an open-source platform designed to streamline compliance with funder and institutional open access policies. This guide outlines the deployment process for PASS, which is adaptable to various architectures including cloud, hybrid, or on-premises environments.

Note: PASS is transitioning towards a cloud-native version. Expect ongoing changes to the architecture, infrastructure, and deployment process, such as moving from Docker Compose to Kubernetes or implementing Infrastructure as Code with Terraform. See (roadmap)[./] for more information.

AWS Infrastructure Components

The current PASS infrastructure in AWS includes:

  • EC2: Hosts Docker Compose

  • ECS: Hosts auxiliary microservices

  • RDS: Stores metadata

  • S3: Stores binary data (managed by OCFL)

  • ALB: Provides SSL for the frontend

  • WAF: Protects the frontend

Deep Dive: Deployment & Release


  • Docker and Docker Compose

  • Git

PASS Deployment Process

  1. Install dependencies:

    apt-get -y update
    apt-get install -y gnupg2 pass docker compose
  2. Clone the repository:

    mkdir -p /src
    cd /src
    git clone
    cd pass-docker
    git checkout minimal-assets
  3. Run PASS:

    cd /src/pass-docker && \
      docker compose pull && \
      docker compose up

PASS Release Process

PASS uses semantic versioning (MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH). The release process includes:

  1. Code contribution

  2. CI/CD via GitHub Actions

  3. Building and testing

  4. Generating release artifacts (Java artifacts and Docker images)

  5. Publishing artifacts to repositories

  6. Triggering deployment via AWS SQS

  7. Updating infrastructure with new artifacts

  8. Generating release notes

GitHub Actions Release Workflow

The "Publish: Release All" workflow automates the release process:

  1. Builds and tests components

  2. Publishes Java artifacts

  3. Builds and pushes Docker images

  4. Creates GitHub Releases

For detailed configuration, refer to the pass-complete-release.yml Actions workflow.

Please refer to for further information on its useage.

For further assistance or questions, please open an issue in the PASS main repository or find us in the PASS Slack.

Last updated