Eclipse Operations

PASS is an Eclipse Foundation project and benefits from the resources and knowledge that the Eclipse Foundation has to offer. One of those resources is the Eclipse GH repository configuration.

Eclipse GitHub Repository Configuration

The .eclipsefdn repository enables the team committers to self-service several aspect of the eclipse organization via a tool called Otterdog.

These .eclipsefdn repo / tools gives access to:

  • Organization settings

  • Organization webhooks

  • Repositories and their settings

  • Branch protection rules

If a setting is not supplied in the eclipse-pass.jsonnet file, it will default to a predefined value. The full set of default values is available in the Eclipse-managed otterdog-defaults.libsonnet.

Learn more about Otterdog here.

Workflow for Updating the Otterdog Configuration

To make changes to the Otterdog configuration in the .eclipsefdn repository, follow these steps:

  1. Fork the .eclipsefdn repository into your own GitHub account.

  2. Make changes to the eclipse-pass.jsonnet file.

  3. Push those changes to the upstream repository.

  4. Create a pull request in the .eclipsefdn repository.

  5. An automated workflow will run, displaying the changes to be applied and validating that the configuration is correctly formatted and structured.

  6. Depending on the type of changes one or more Eclipse engineers will review the PR. Additionally, the project lead's approval may also be required based on the nature of the changes.

Eclipse Contributor Agreement and Eclipse Development Process

Contributors of the project must electronically sign appropriate documents in order to become committers. The following are agreements and policies by Eclipse that a committer must read:

ECA for Pass Documentation

ECA is not configured as a required check for merging in pass-documentation, therefore PRs can be merged with a non-committer. In addition, the EDP explicitly states: "you can merge if you know that the user associated with the commit has signed an ECA", therefore if a user with a different GitHub account with a different email address from their Eclipse committer account, is still able to merge PRs with those commits. This applies to GitBot (GitBook GitHub bot), and Eclipse recognizes this account for making commits.

Last updated